Cardiovascular disease is known as a non-communicable disease (NCDs), and the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates the burden of NCDs in South Africa to be 2 to 3 times higher than in developed countries, accounting for up to 28% of the total burden of disease.
South African crime statistics indicate that while 49 people are murdered in South Africa every day there are 210 people that die of heart disease daily.
Statistics show that about 130 heart attacks and 440 strokes occur daily in South Africa. This means that 18 people will suffer a stroke and five people will have a heart attack every hour.
With one in every three adults in South Africa suffering from hypertension South Africa has one of the highest rates of high blood pressure worldwide.
High Blood Pressure, medically known as hypertension, is the major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and even eye diseases. Unlike many other diseases hypertension has no symptoms and hence it is called the Silent Killer.
Approximately four in every ten adults older than 25 years suffers from hypertension. While nearly 1 billion people in South Africa have hypertension, 75% of these people are unaware of their condition. Of those who are aware 50% do not take any action to control their blood pressure.
The good news is that blood pressure is easily measurable without any discomfort. The World Hypertension League (WHL) recommends that everyone should get their blood pressure checked at least once every year.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa advises you to minimize your risk of developing high blood pressure by making the following lifestyle changes:
- Reducing your salt intake, both at the table, and by being aware of hidden salt in processed foods
- Eating a balanced diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fiber, fatty fish, and limiting red or fatty meat, fried foods and high fat snack foods
- Avoiding harmful use of alcohol, that is, more than 1 drink a day for women and more than 2 drinks a day for men
- Taking regular physical activity at least five days a week
- Maintaining a healthy body weight • avoiding tobacco use
80% of premature deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by eating better, moving more, and avoiding smoking.
At P.L.K. (Pty) Ltd we believe that nobody should die because they needed first aid and did not get it. We aim to train as many people as possible, so they can be the difference between a life lost, and a life saved.
Please look at our local and international first aid and CPR courses on offer, you may just make the difference between life or death!!